So this blog is long overdue and since my last blog I have
completed my last race of the season, taken a 2 week hiatus from training to
become a California traveler and I am now taking refuge in Phoenix, Arizona
where snow and cold are not in the forecast…ever.
I’ll start with my race. My last race of the season was the F1 San Diego Super Sprint. I was supposed to have done the Las Vegas Super Sprint in September but due to my crash I was only able to watch. In a way this may have been a blessing in disguise. By watching the race I was able to witness the intensity and speed of the race first hand so that when it was time to compete in my first super sprint I knew what to expect to a point.
It’s a pretty awesome race format in a lot of ways. The race consists of a 300 meter swim, 8k bike and a 2.5k run that you do twice through consecutively..meaning you transition from the first time through the run back into the swim. The entire race takes place in a parking lot and is completed in less than an hour. It’s fast, challenging and spectator friendly. In a super sprint the athletes have nowhere to hide. You must be strong, speedy, skillful and superb all around to be competitive in the event.
Going into the race I knew there were multiple strong
swim/cyclists including Sara McLarty who is well known for her dominance in the
water and on the bike. My goal was to stay as close as possible to her on the
swim and bike so that I had a chance to catch her on the run. I was really
happy with my swim and that I was able to come out of the water with McLarty.
Onto the bike I really wanted to stay on her wheel, but was unable to. I tried
to keep the gap as close as possible and as I got more comfortable with the
course through the turns I was able to stay relatively close. Onto the run and
I was able to catch back up through the 5 laps and there we went back into the
water together to do the entire thing over again.

I had been warned by athletes who had done super sprints
before how awful it was to get back into the water after the first round. I
guess I must have prepared for it to feel like death because I was pleasantly
surprised that the swim wasn't AS bad as I had thought it would. Once again McLarty and I came out of the
water together and back on the bike we went. This
time through I was able to hold a bit more speed through the technical course
and yep, same strategy stay as close as possible so I could have a chance on
the run. It’s funny how similar round 1 and 2 of the race played out. In the
end I was able to out run McLarty for the win!
It was such a fun and challenging race! It tested my speed, strength and skills in a way like no other race I have ever done. I can't wait to do more races of this format and fully believe that by competing in races of this nature it will only make me a bigger threat on the ITU circuit.