Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Late Update

So it’s been a while and a lot has happened since I last wrote,
Training in Spain, London WTS and Tommy’s seizure are all of note.
After Japan I headed to Spain,
Where I was a little too eager to get back in the game,
After thee weeks off running I tried to come back too fast,
And ended up injuring my Achilles, not learning from the past.

I raced London WTS anyhow, something I do not regret,
I led out of the water in one of my best swims yet.
Scrambling out of my ROKA wetsuit to make the front pack,
Working hard with fellow competitors; rotating through front to back.
Off onto the run, trying to put myself in good position,
Ahead fellow Americans Gwen and Sarah out on a mission.
I wanted so badly to be able to hang with them on the run,
But unfortunately the fact I hadn’t run in a while stung.
I fell back and ended up finishing thirteenth in my best WTS finish yet,
But being able to taste the potential of an all-American podium is something I will not forget.
I finished London knowing if I was injury free,
Up on those steps is where I would be.
I was really happy with my race considering the past few weeks,
But to get back to where I was I needed consistency rather than little peaks.
I was happy but not satisfied and a fire had been set,
To set myself up to reach the goals I hadn’t met yet.

 Later that night when I was enjoying my fish and chips meal,
I found out that Tommy had suffered quite an ordeal.
Upon his finish in Dallas he had two seizures resulting from heat stroke,
And when I found out he was in the hospital my heart completely broke.
 So I headed to Dallas to be by his side,
The flight there being by far the longest plane ride.
Although scary moments; after a few days he was released,
And then it was off to Santa Cruz to recover by the beach.

 We were both taking our time getting back to training,
Me still getting over Achilles issues that were remaining.
It was the perfect place to be and we had some fun,
We got to meet his new nephew for one,
I also celebrated my birthday learning how to surf,
And did some rides on the coastal Santa Cruz turf.

We drove down the coast on Route 1 to pick up my car,
From Cathy Holl who had done a great favor by driving it up so far!
We were surrounded by all the love and support of family and friends,
And in time with that and some rest, both of us were on the mend.

So where we are now? Well we went on quite a long drive,
And after three days of driving finally in Boulder we did arrive!
It’s been great getting back into things and figuring everything out,
I’ll be finishing this season even stronger; I have no doubt.
I learned a lot throughout this trying part of my year,
First being that I am not invincible I fear.
It was a hard truth to swallow but leads me to the rest,
That sometimes taking some time off is going to be best.
 Listening to your body is a very important skill,
And when it says no, well you better just sit still.
When it’s ready you’ll be good to go,
But if you keep pushing, your recovery will be slow.
Currently I’m getting back into things and being smart,
Hoping to race soon with both Coeur-age and heart.
At the moment I'm not quite sure what my next race will be,
But I'll keep you posted when I figure out what path is going to be best for me.
Thank you to all my family, friends and sponsors for your unfathomable support,
I’m excited to be back at training in all three aspects of the sport!