Thursday, February 7, 2013

Picture Book Rhyme Time

Every morning I wake up to this beautiful view...
making my bed and getting things together is the first thing I do...
then I head to one of the most critical places of my day...
the dining hall where I pick an assortment of foods from the array...
I then head to the pool for practice at 7:15,
and jump into the water that is so pristine!
and then back to the dining hall again where...
followed by a run, which could be in a few different places (Bear Creek, Cheyenne Mtn, etc) depending on our fates... 
after the run we usually want to collapse on the ground,
but then we hop on our bikes to continue for the third round,
by this time of the day I'm ready for some aid in the recovery center...
a location where I may also see my roommate enter...
finally it is time for those last hours to be spent back in the dining hall,
then upstairs I go to plop down on the couch until I hear my pillow call,
which is often not too long after the sun has set behind the mountains for the night,
Because it won't be long before I'm up again in the morning before it's bright.
**Please note there were many more visits to the dining hall than actually captured on camera ;)

1 comment:

  1. Those are some amazing photos girl! You are so blessed to have this opportunity and I am so proud of your hard work! Keep it up sweetie!
