Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Swedish Place on the Circuit

After not qualifying for Rio racing Stockholm was back on the list,
I had raced last year and it was a city I was happy I wouldn’t miss.
Flying into Sweden we were greeted with the most beautiful weather,
Which made the experience, the race and exploring that much better. 
New this year compared to last year’s race,
Was that it was Olympic distance with the swim in a new place.
I didn’t do the swim recon. on the Thursday before,
But on race day I found that it was conditions I adore.
A bit of chop and a ROKA wetsuit swim,
Had me feeling good when I got in.
When the gun went off I went for it right from away,
And I found my fastest swim that day.
Coming out Sarah, Carol and I had about a 20” gap,
Then on the bike Flora joined us after a lap.
Away the three of us tried to stay,
With Flora taking control and leading the way.
However, after about 5 laps we got caught,
And at this point I didn’t use the good positioning I’ve been taught. 
I ended up coming into T2 a few seconds back,
So I really had to push the start of the run to rejoin the pack.
I did just that but then Sarah and Andrea got a bit ahead,
At this point I was feeling quite tired and my legs a little dead.
But then I saw that Sarah had dropped Andrea a bit,
And I thought, “OK, Katie how bad do you want it”
I made a move to get back on Andrea’s butt,
Then once I did I was quite tired, and thought, “now what?”
I decided if I could just get to the hill a bit before,
Then I would give it my all once more.
The finish is right beyond a steep little hill,
So once I got to that I went, got 2nd and finished with nil!
 I was very proud of my hard fought race, 
And getting my 5th second place.
The next day Tommy and I changed our initial plans,
So that we can head back to California to work on our tans.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Rio Deal

After the Rio test event I must confess,
That I needed to take a few days to digest.
I finished not really knowing how to feel,
The disappointment in not qualifying was quite real.
The main event of the year had came and went,
When I finished 6th at my first Olympic qualifying event.
This was the Americans’ chance to qualify for the Olympics next year,
But they only took the first two Americans in the top 8 and I was the 3rd I fear.

As in every race there were things I wish I could go back and do again,
But I realized there were things I could be proud of-even if it wasn’t a perfect ten.
So onwards I will look for my chance to qualify at the event next year,
Hoping I will get to use all the things I learned while I was here.
As for the race itself, well at the start I came from the rear,
Because when the horn went off I didn't hear.
So I frolicked into the water second to last,
But the adrenaline of missing the start must have lit a fire under my ***.
Because actually entering the water I was right in the front of the group,
So I just worked to stay in position during our 1500 loop.

Finally I had good transitions this race,
And got onto the bike in a good place.
However this was a weird start to the ride,
From the beginning we were like three people wide.
No one really went for it and so we all settled,
For the next eight laps that together we pedaled.
The uphill was easier than I would have guessed,
The downhill was steep putting my skills to the test.
It was important to have a good T2 with a large pack,
The run was going to be important to try and attack.
I did what I could and put myself there at the beginning,
But unfortunately throughout the race I was no longer grinning.
I fell off the group and for a while kept the same gap,
Until I got real tired during the final lap.
 I finished the race in sixth but was third for USA,
So I didn’t end up qualifying for the Olympics that day.
 I played the what-if game, got disappointed and sad,
But then looked back at the race that I had.
No it wasn’t perfect and I didn’t reach my goal,
But this race for better or worse played an important role.
I’m happy with my swim and how I was able to recover from my start,
And that I had transitions that weren’t as foul as a fart.
I was proud of the way I was able to handle scary situations on the bike,
And having a chance to qualify next year is an opportunity I really like.
I’m excited that I can identify a lot of places to improve,
So now it’s time to just get back into the end of the season groove.

Next up for me is Stockholm coming up next week,
Until then I am in France climbing peak to peak.
Thanks for all the support as I chase my dream,
I wouldn’t be where I am without my awesome team.